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Environmental Policy

We are committed to excellence in all aspects of our business. This includes environmental protection, which we consider an integral part of our operations.

We regard Government legislation and the Company policy as minimum standards, which should be improved upon wherever it is reasonable to do so.

We recognise that environmental protection is essential to the well-being of staff, the local populace and the natural habitat of wildlife and will do our best to protect them.

We accept that we have a duty of care as producers of waste to ensure that those acting on behalf of the Company for waste disposal are competent to do so, discharge their own duties correctly and are able to prove this by means of the appropriate documentation and checks.

We have adopted a policy to ensure that we recycle waste whenever it is reasonable to do so and are constantly striving to set the standards against which others may benchmark. The Company waste management plan will be used to achieve this.

We encourage our suppliers and customers to adopt the best possible environmental practices.

In adopting this policy the company commits to the provision of the requisite resources, priorities and training to fulfil its obligations. In commending this policy to employees, the Company seeks to encourage a full sense of shared responsibility for the protection of the environment.

As a Company we do not:

  • Discharge to water.
  • Bulk store harmful substances.
  • Distribute toxic or very toxic goods.
  • Discharge manufacturing by-products to the atmosphere.
  • Distribute or use GM organisms or biological processes.
  • Use anything capable of emitting radiation into the environment.

As a Company we do:

  • Recycle waste wherever possible.
  • Use external and internal electronic mail delivery and read acknowledgement to reduce paper usage.
  • Comply with the Packaging Waste Regulations 1997.
  • Comply with the Environmental Protection Act 1990.
  • Integrate environmental concerns in our day-to-day decision-making.
  • Actively seek to make improvements in our environmental control.
  • Actively pursue waste reduction.


The Company aims to:

  1. Reduce the amount of waste it produces.
  2. Make the best use of waste that is produced.


Choose waste management practices that minimise the risks of immediate and future environmental pollution and harm to human health.